Building on our
115-year legacy.
Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital has been the heart of our community since 1908.
A new hospital will:
Provide faster access to care, closer to home
Create more beds to meet the needs of our rapidly growing community
Provide the modern, reliable infrastructure our community deserves
Provide barrier-free access and equity in patient experience
Increase our reach to more patients by building on our regional programs
Be purpose-built to enable integrated care through the Couchiching Ontario Health Team

Our vision today leads to a healthier tomorrow.
Our hospital was built in a different era when Orillia was much smaller
Over the decades, we’ve carried out multiple projects to expand and care for more patients. We’ve introduced new services to provide you care closer to home. We’ve added critical health programs for the entire region.
From our humble beginnings in a former 10-room house, we’ve become the 188 onsite bed hospital we are today. But we have grown as much as we can in our current home – and our community is still growing.
Significant overcrowding increases our wait times and makes it more challenging for you to access care.

We are taking action today
for a better tomorrow.
A better tomorrow for the patients who depend on us for their health care. For the compassionate doctors, nurses, and team members at our hospital. For the entire community of Orillia and beyond.
With your support, we will build on our proud history to meet the needs of our growing community.

Help us build a new Orillia
Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
Send a letter of support to
Ontario’s Health Minister.